Medical Weight Loss

September 13, 2023

If you’re having a hard time losing weight on your own, medically supervised weight loss may be the answer. It’s a customized plan that helps you achieve your goals by offering guidance from professionals like physicians, registered dietitians and exercise physiologists. It also provides support and monitoring to improve long-term success.

Our medically supervised weight loss programs include an initial assessment of your current health, diet and lifestyle. We also conduct laboratory testing to check your blood sugar levels, thyroid function and more. This information is then used to create a personalized weight loss program that includes diet, exercise and potentially, medication. Our goal is to help you lose weight and keep it off long-term, reducing your risk of obesity-related health conditions Semaglutide.

Who is a Candidate for Medical Weight Loss?

If your BMI is 30 or higher and you have chronic, obesity-related health conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes or sleep apnea, you’re a candidate for medically supervised weight loss. However, you can benefit from medically supervised weight loss even if your BMI is lower than 30. The program combines healthy eating with behavioral and exercise changes, meal planning, trigger analysis and pharmacotherapy.

We can also offer a non-surgical, surgical alternative to medically supervised weight loss, if it is determined that you are not an ideal candidate for surgery. Our weight management team includes a physician who specializes in bariatric medicine and an advanced practice provider who can guide you through the process of making healthier choices to reach your weight loss goals.

The individualized plans that you receive through medically supervised weight loss are designed to make sustainable lifestyle changes and encourage healthier behaviors that will lead to lasting success. The plans may also include prescription medications such as Wegovy, Ozempic and Mounjaro that can help suppress your appetite or increase your energy expenditure, making it easier for you to adhere to the plans outlined by your healthcare professional.

As you progress through your medically supervised weight loss plan, your healthcare provider will monitor your progress and work with you to adjust your plan if necessary. This can be anything from adding exercise to your schedule, modifying your diet or switching medications [1,3].

Medical supervision during a weight loss program is beneficial because it offers you support and encouragement to stick with your goals and keep you accountable. It also ensures that any adjustments are made in a safe and effective manner.

A weight loss journey is not always easy, and many people fail to find success on their own. If you’re ready to take the first step to better health, contact us to learn more about our medically supervised weight loss programs. We will be happy to assist you. You can also schedule a consultation with one of our specialists. We can’t wait to help you on your journey! The best part is, you’ll see the results before you know it. Contact us today to get started.

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