Final Ankali – Study

December 31, 2020



If you have always wanted to be an entrepreneur or millionaire right at the middle of the eighties, it is now possible by taking up the Satta Matka Final. This program is the ultimate secret in life. It has made many millionaires around the globe. The success in business is very unpredictable, but this system is tested for hundred of years and has never failed!


It is already known that a person gets the most money back when he/she does not give up and keeps on doing it. So, while you finish your objective of finishing Satta Matka Final, begin your new journey with a big money windfall! Satta Matka Final consists of eight lessons, which consist of the Satta Nuum and Satta Arogya, which have been taught by Kalyan Subhotan and Prabhupada. Kalyan Subhotan is an internationally renowned tantra teacher and author of forty-eight books on ancient tantra and marriage.


The first four lessons comprise of the Satta Nuum, in which you will be trained how to use the five important tools (mantras) to enhance your sexual awareness and energy in both the monasteries and today's society. With this training, you will be able to perform the meditation to reach a meditative state, which will help you to control ejaculation and reduce premature ejaculation. After mastering these first four lessons, you will be able to use the tantra techniques to achieve the next level, which is Satta Arogya.


The Satta Arogya lesson consists of eight levels, which are mainly meant to train you in the disciplines of meditation, mantra, and, yoga, tantra, and body postures. In addition, you will also be trained in the discipline of loving kindness, adho mukha svanasana, pranayama, and dharana niyama. At the final level, you will be taught the power of supreme confidence, which will enable you to overcome all obstacles and adversities. The entire course lasts for eight weeks.


final ank lessons consist of short pratyahara sessions that enable you to understand the power of concentration. By learning how to develop concentration, you will be able to increase your overall mental powers and can get better at performing mundane tasks. At the end of the thu-thu session, you will be required to pass a paper questionnaire on each of the eight levels. Once you have passed the first level, you will be sent home with a 'practice test' which assesses your performance.


After eight weeks, you will be called in for a final exam, which consists of two different pratyahara sessions. In the first session, you will be taught the fundamentals of meditation by being taught to develop and maintain a calm and focused mind. Then, you will be given the final task of going within a specified time limit and repeating the mantra from the first word to the last word in each of the two sessions. In the second session, you will be taught the meaning of the sacred alphabet. Finally, you will be required to go within a specified time frame and complete as many montanus (mantras) as possible without looking at the clock. You can either attend the actual class or watch videos that display the entire process.


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